MACFAST MBA Alumni Webinar Series 13-’From a homemaker to a Business Woman’

18 March 2021 12:05 PM to 1:05 PM Zoom Platform Event

Click the following link for Webinar registration

After the registration process, you are invited to join our ZOOM webinar room through the following link on 18th March 2021, 12:05 pm.

Meeting ID: 276 899 9271
Passcode: Surekha

Instructions to be followed during the programme:

1. Kindly download and install the latest ZOOM application in your device

2. The registered email id while you download and register with ZOOM should be same as the registered email id submitted in the webinar registration form

3. The session link is provided in this message. On clicking the link, you will be able to join the webinar room.

4. Pl. do not share the zoom link & passcode outside our MACFAST circle

5. Participants must join the webinar on 18th March 2021 between 12:05 p.m. to 12:08 p.m.

6. Before entering the webinar room, make sure your device microphone is muted

7. If you have any questions then the respective person may unmute & ask the question. You may also use hand raise ✋🏻 symbol or chat facility in ZOOM.

8. Joining time, leaving time and duration of each session will be recorded by the system.

9. While you enter the webinar room, use your own name as the display name in ZOOM. This will help to identify and avoid duplications

10. The entire session will be screen recorded and kept as a record in our institution.

Contact Here
  • Dr. Sudeep B Chandramana
  • +91 9947736069
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